Matte Elsbernd web publisher. writer. photographer. 30 years experience.
In high school I started keeping track of all the books I finished. Once you start, you sort of feel funny not continuing the list. Now I feel bad I didn't start the list sooner. So, here it is, no longer a list on binder paper, but rather in a database and all that fancy jazz. Perhaps it'll be of some interest to you - getting a sense for my interests. But regardless, it's sort of a legacy thing for me.
the 174 books read by matte elsbernd (since 1988) written by authors who's last name starts with the letter S.
Books Read
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(Auto)Biography | Business | Computers | Creativity + Design | Fiction + Literature | History + Geography | Humor | Language | Psychology + Culture | Science Fiction | Thrillers + Suspense | Writing + Careers | Misc.
Recent | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
Louis Sachar
1. Holes (Read from Dec 17, 2022 to Dec 18, 2022)
Mike Sacks
1. And Here's The Kicker: Conversations With 21 Top Humor Writers On Their Craft (Finished Aug 16, 2009)
Giulia Sagramola
1. Summer Fires (Read from Sep 26, 2023 to Sep 26, 2023)
J.D. Salinger
1. The Catcher in the Rye
Anthony Mitchell Sammarco
1. Boston's Back Bay in the Victorian Era: Images of America
Bernie Sanders
1. It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism (Listened from Jun 28, 2023 to Jul 08, 2023)
2. Where We Go From Here: Two Years in the Resistance (Read from Mar 31, 2019 to Apr 05, 2019)
Lawrence Sanders
1. Seduction of Peter S.
CJ Sansom
1. Dominion (Read from Dec 27, 2021 to Jan 02, 2022)
Pamela Sargent
1. Shore of Women
2. Venus of Dreams
Marjane Satrapies
1. The Complete Persepolis (Read from Dec 05, 2015 to Dec 05, 2015)
Ashley Saunders
1. The Rule of One with Leslie Saunders (Read from Oct 10, 2018 to Oct 16, 2018)
Peter Savinoha
1. Stress-Free Potty Training: A Commonsense Guide to Finding the Right Approach for Your Child with Sara Au (Read from Aug 26, 2012 to Sep 16, 2012)
Bruce Schechter
1. My Brain is Open: The Mathematical Journeys of Paul Erdos
Kodi Scheer
1. Midair (Read from Aug 20, 2016 to Aug 21, 2016)
Thomas C. Schelling
1. Micromotives and Macrobehavior (Read from Feb 09, 2010 to Feb 27, 2010)
Eric Schlosser
1. Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident and the Illusion of Safety (Read from Mar 02, 2014 to Apr 05, 2014)
2. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal
Michael Schrage
1. No More Teams: Mastering the Dynamics of Creative Collaboration
J. Neil Schulman
1. Alongside Night
2. The Rainbow Credenza
Barry Schwartz
1. The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less (Read from Sep 09, 2015 to Sep 14, 2015)
Peter Schweizer
1. Throw Them All Out: How Politicians and Their Friends Get Rich Off Insider Stock Tips, Land Deals, and Cronyism That Would Send the Rest of Us to Prison (Read from Aug 04, 2015 to Aug 06, 2015)
Jon Scieszka
1. Knights of the Kitchen Table
2. The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales with Lane Smith
Lisa Scottoline
1. Moment of Truth
David Sedaris
1. Calypso (Listened from May 17, 2019 to May 22, 2019)
Tina Lynn Seelig
1. What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20: A Crash Course On Making Your Place In The World (Read from Mar 01, 2011 to Mar 02, 2011)
Stephen Segaller
1. Nerds 2.0.1: A Brief History of the Internet
Peter Seibel
1. Coders at Work: Reflections on the Craft of Programming (Read from Sep 22, 2015 to Jul 11, 2016)
Charles Seife
1. Proofiness: How You're Being Fooled By The Numbers (Read from Jun 16, 2013 to Jul 26, 2013)
Jerry Seinfeld
1. SeinLanguage
Dr. Seuss
1. I Am Not Going to Get Up Today!
Anne Sexton
1. Anne Sexton: A Self-Portrait in Letters
Koren Shadmi
1. The Abaddon (Read from Aug 16, 2017 to Aug 16, 2017)
William Shakespeare
1. A Midsummer Night's Dream
2. Hamlet
3. Henry V
4. Macbeth
5. Merchant of Venice
6. Othello
7. Richard III
Declan Shalvey
1. Time Before Time: Vol. 1 with Rory McConville (Read from Sep 28, 2023 to Sep 28, 2023)
2. Time Before Time: Vol. 2 with Rory McConville (Read from Sep 29, 2023 to Sep 29, 2023)
3. Time Before Time: Vol. 3 with Rory McConville (Read from Sep 29, 2023 to Sep 29, 2023)
4. Time Before Time: Vol. 4 with Rory McConville (Read from Sep 29, 2023 to Sep 29, 2023)
William Shatner
1. TekWar
Dash Shaw
1. Cosplayers (Read from Aug 17, 2017 to Aug 17, 2017)
Ammon Shea
1. The Phone Book: The Curious History of the Book That Everyone Uses But No One Reads (Read from Apr 21, 2011 to Apr 23, 2011)
Robert Sheckley
1. Can You Feel Anything When I Do This? (Read from Jan 24, 2015 to Jan 27, 2015)
2. Dimension of Miracles (Read from Mar 01, 2015 to Mar 14, 2015)
David Shenk
1. Data Smog: Surviving the Information Glut
Barbara Sher
1. Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want
Gina Sheridan
1. I Work at a Public Library (Read from Dec 27, 2015 to Dec 27, 2015)
David Shields
1. Enough About You: Adventures in Autobiography (Read from Sep 05, 2011 to Sep 06, 2011)
William L. Shirer
1. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (Read from Apr 15, 2012 to May 14, 2012)
Martin L. Shoemaker
1. The Last Dance: (The Near-Earth Mysteries Book 1) (Read from Jan 04, 2022 to Jan 11, 2022)
Susan Shreve
1. The Train Home
Neal Shusterman
1. Game Changer (Read from Aug 03, 2021 to Aug 07, 2021)
2. Scythe: (Arc of a Scythe Book 1) (Read from Jul 26, 2021 to Aug 01, 2021)
3. The Toll: (Arc of a Scythe Book 3) (Read from Sep 04, 2021 to Sep 10, 2021)
4. Thunderhead: (Arc of a Scythe Book 2) (Read from Aug 09, 2021 to Aug 14, 2021)
Nevil Shute
1. On the Beach (Read from Dec 23, 2023 to Dec 26, 2023)
Daniel J. Siegel
1. The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind with Tina Payne Bryan (Read from Jan 27, 2013 to Feb 01, 2013)
Judith P. Siegel
1. What Children Learn From Their Parent's Marriage: It May Be Your Marriage, But It's Your Child's Blueprint for Intimacy (Read from Feb 03, 2017 to Feb 05, 2017)
Robert Silverberg
1. Across A Billion Years (Read from Apr 12, 2014 to Apr 17, 2014)
2. Sailing to Byzantium (Read from Mar 29, 2015 to Mar 30, 2015)
3. Tower of Glass (Read from Nov 01, 2014 to Nov 10, 2014)
Michael J. Silverstein
1. Treasure Hunt: Inside the Mind of the New Consumer (Finished Apr 08, 2007)
Shel Silverstein
1. Where the Sidewalk Ends
Clifford D. Simak
1. A Heritage of Stars (Read from Oct 31, 2016 to Nov 07, 2016)
2. City (Read from May 04, 2019 to May 07, 2019)
3. I Am Crying All Inside: (The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak Book 1) (Read from Jan 13, 2017 to Jan 02, 2017)
4. Way Station (Read from Aug 13, 2016 to Aug 15, 2016)
Georges Simenon
1. The Man Who Watched Trains Go By
Rachel Simmons
1. The Curse of the Good Girl: Raising Authentic Girls with Courage and Confidence (Read from Feb 12, 2016 to Nov 12, 2016)
Neil Simon
1. Rewrites: A Memoir
Phil Simon
1. Reimagining Collaboration: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom and the Post-COVID World of Work (Read from May 03, 2023 to May 05, 2023)
2. The Nine: The Tectonic Forces Reshaping the Workplace (Read from May 01, 2023 to May 03, 2023)
Dana Simpson
1. Phoebe and Her Unicorn (Read from Nov 12, 2017 to Nov 20, 2017)
Peter Sims
1. Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries (Read from Apr 25, 2011 to Apr 27, 2011)
Graeme Simsion
1. The Rosie Project (Read from Jun 18, 2015 to Jun 23, 2015)
Upton Sinclair
1. The Jungle
P. W. Singer
1. Ghost Fleet with August Cole (Read from Dec 18, 2019 to Dec 26, 2019)
Ginny Skinner
1. Briony Hatch with Penelope Skinner (Read from Dec 28, 2015 to Dec 28, 2015)
Michelle Slatalla
1. Masters of Deception: The Gang That Ruled Cyberspace with Joshua Quittner
Lorenzo Smith
1. The Lingo of No Man's Land (Read from Feb 26, 2020 to Feb 28, 2020)
Neil L. Smith
1. Crystal Empire
Patrick Smith
1. Ask the Pilot: Everything You Need to Know About Air Travel
Fiona Smyth
1. The Never Weres (Read from Jul 23, 2023 to Jul 23, 2023)
Blake Snyder
1. Save the Cat!: The Last Book on Screenwriting That You'll Ever Need (Read from Aug 24, 2010 to Aug 26, 2010)
2. Save the Cat! Strikes Back: More Trouble for Screenwriters to Get into and Out of (Read from Oct 22, 2010 to Oct 24, 2010)
Scott Snyder
1. Undiscovered Country: Volume 1 with Charles Soule (Read from May 31, 2023 to May 31, 2023)
2. Undiscovered Country: Volume 2 with Charles Soule (Read from May 31, 2023 to May 31, 2023)
3. Undiscovered Country: Volume 3 with Charles Soule (Read from May 31, 2023 to May 31, 2023)
4. Undiscovered Country: Volume 4 with Charles Soule (Read from May 31, 2023 to May 31, 2023)
Timothy Snyder
1. On Tyranny: (Graphic Edition) with Nora Krug (Read from Jul 12, 2023 to Jul 12, 2023)
James Solomon
1. The Real World: The Ultimate Insider's Guide
Amir Soltani
1. Zahra's Paradise with Khalil (Read from Mar 30, 2018 to Apr 01, 2018)
Adam Southward
1. Trance (Read from Jun 03, 2019 to Jun 10, 2019)
Art Speigelman
1. Maus I: A Survivor's Tale
Wendy Spero
1. microthrills: true stories from a life of small highs (Finished Jun 03, 2007)
E Spiekermann
1. Stop Stealing Sheep & find out how type works with EM Ginger
Norman Spinrad
1. Little Heroes
Ron Stallworth
1. The Black Klansman: Race, Hate, and the Undercover Investigation of a Lifetime (Listened from Aug 22, 2020 to Aug 25, 2020)
Michael Stanley
1. The Second Death of Goodluck Tinibu (Read from Jul 22, 2016 to Aug 25, 2016)
Thomas J. Stanley, PhD
1. The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy (Read from Jun 08, 2011 to Jun 12, 2011)
Vince Staten
1. Did Monkey's Invent the Monkey Wrench?: Hardware Stores and Hardware Stories
Allen Steele
1. The Tranquility Alternative (Finished Jan 22, 2008)
Mark Stein
1. How the States Got Their Shapes (Finished Aug 23, 2008)
John Steinbeck
1. Of Mice and Men
Richard Steinberg
1. The 4 Phase Man
Olen Steinhauer
1. An American Spy (Read from Apr 05, 2012 to Apr 09, 2012)
2. The Cairo Affair (Read from Aug 23, 2014 to Aug 29, 2014)
3. The Nearest Exit (Read from Sep 14, 2011 to Sep 20, 2011)
4. The Tourist (Read from Sep 13, 2011 to Sep 14, 2011)
Jim Steinmeyer
1. Art & Artifice: and Other Essays on Illusion (Finished Apr 05, 2007)
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz
1. Don't Trust Your Gut: Using Data to Get What You Really Want in Life (Listened from Sep 20, 2022 to Oct 01, 2022)
Neal Stephenson
1. Anathem (Read from Nov 22, 2009 to Dec 02, 2009)
2. Atmosphæra Incognita (Read from Jul 15, 2019 to Jul 15, 2019)
3. Crytonomicon
4. In the Beginning...was the Command Line
5. Quicksilver: (The Baroque Cycle Volume 1)
6. REAMDE (Read from Nov 16, 2012 to Dec 14, 2012)
7. Seveneves (Finished Dec 22, 2018)
8. Snow Crash
9. Termination Shock (Read from Nov 21, 2021 to Dec 04, 2021)
10. The Big U
11. The Confusion: (The Baroque Cycle Volume 2) (Finished Feb 24, 2007)
12. The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer
13. The System of the World: (The Baroque Cycle Volume 3) (Finished Jun 22, 2010)
Bruce Sterling
1. Crystal Express
2. Islands in the Net
3. Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology (Ed.)
4. Schismatrix
5. The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier
Robert J. Sternberg
1. Defying the Crowd: Cultivating Creativity In A Culture of Conformity with Todd I. Lubart
Thomas A. Stewart
1. Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Nations
T.J. Stiles
1. The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt (Read from Jun 28, 2009 to Dec 17, 2010)
Jan Stocklassa
1. The Man Who Played With Fire: Stieg Larsson's Lost Files and the Hunt for an Assassin (Read from Jul 19, 2020 to Aug 03, 2020)
Sarah Stodola
1. Process: The Writing Lives of Great Authors (Read from Feb 05, 2019 to Feb 07, 2019)
Bram Stoker
1. Dracula (Read from Jan 08, 2012 to Jan 13, 2012)
Clifford Stoll
1. Silicon Snake Oil: Second Thoughts on the Information Superhighway
Fred Stoller
1. My Seinfeld Year (Read from Oct 04, 2012 to Oct 05, 2012)
Will Storr
1. The Heretics: Adventures With The Enemies of Science (Read from Mar 11, 2014 to Apr 11, 2014)
Cheryl Strayed
1. Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail (Listened from Jun 10, 2020 to Jun 16, 2020)
Bill Streever
1. Cold: Adventures in the World's Frozen Places (Read from Jan 01, 2013 to Jan 12, 2013)
Francis C. Strunk
1. Throwback
William Styron
1. Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness
Somtow Sucharitkul
1. Mallworld
Mark Sullivan
1. Beneath a Scarlet Sky (Read from Nov 14, 2020 to Nov 23, 2020)
Robert Sullivan
1. Rats: Observations on the History & Habitat of the City's Most Unwanted Inhabitants
James Surowiecki
1. The Wisdow of Crowds
Jason Surrell
1. The Disney Mountains: Imagineering at Its Peak (Finished Dec 03, 2008)
Robert I. Sutton
1. Good Boss, Bad Boss: How to Be the Best... and Learn from the Worst (Read from Jan 24, 2011 to Jan 26, 2011)
2. Weird Ideas That Work: How to Build a Creative Company (Finished Oct 11, 2009)
James Swain
1. Bad Action: (Billy Cunningham Book 2) (Read from Nov 10, 2018 to Nov 21, 2018)
2. Bad News Travels: (Lancaster & Daniels Book 3) (Finished Aug 11, 2020)
3. Grift Sense: (Tony Valentine Series Book 1) (Read from Sep 03, 2019 to Sep 09, 2019)
4. Midnight Rambler: (Jack Carpenter Book 1) (Read from Mar 29, 2019 to Mar 31, 2019)
5. No Good Dead: (Lancaster & Daniels Book 2) (Read from Sep 01, 2019 to Sep 03, 2019)
6. Super Con: (Billy Cunningham Book 3) (Read from Mar 19, 2019 to Mar 29, 2019)
7. Take Down: (Billy Cunningham Book 1) (Read from Nov 06, 2018 to Nov 10, 2018)
8. The King Tides: (Lancaster & Daniels Book 1) (Read from Oct 22, 2018 to Oct 25, 2018)
9. The Night Monster: (Jack Carpenter Book 3) (Read from Apr 14, 2019 to Apr 16, 2019)
10. The Night Stalker: (Jack Carpenter Book 2) (Read from Apr 05, 2019 to Apr 07, 2019)
Michael Swanick
1. Bones of the Earth (Read from Aug 14, 2017 to Aug 17, 2017)
2. Vacuum Flowers
Camille Sweeney
1. The Art of Doing: How Superachievers Do What They Do And How They Do It So Well with Josh Gosfield (Read from Jul 15, 2013 to Jul 15, 2013)
John Sweeney
1. Cold (Read from May 09, 2018 to May 14, 2018)
Earl Swift
1. The Big Roads: The Untold Story of the Engineers, Visionaries, and Trailblazers Who Created the American Superhighways (Read from Jul 08, 2011 to Jul 13, 2011)
India Swift
1. The Girl and the Glim (Read from May 18, 2023 to May 18, 2023)
Matthew Syed
1. Black Box Thinking: Why Most People Never Learn from Their Mistakes - But Some Do (Listened from Oct 01, 2022 to Oct 10, 2022)
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