This is the work of one man. I used to joke back in 1994/1995 that I had erased more things from my
website than most people ever put on. 31 years later, I can say I have built quite a lot of websites. I've done the
client/corporate thing, but additionally, I have created quite a few well-known, high-traffic sites. Not bad for someone
in the their sparetime. Take this as an opportunity to explore. Trust me, there's quite a lot here, so keep an eye on
the clock and don't spend all day. You can always come back later. |
manager. brainstormer. strategist. entrepreneur. product manager. web designer. web programmer. information architect. creative director. web producer.
ui designer. php/mysql programmer. traffic/stats analyst. html hand coder. copyeditor. writer. tinkerer. photographer. self-motivator. big picture person.
detail-oriented. hands-on kinda guy.