An Electrical Socket Plug-InBrowser Wars : Web Browser Parodies

August 15, 2000
Ratings New & Improved
It's been a long time, but I actually updated this site. Not a new browser yet, but I finally updated the rating system and have added all the ratings you wonderful viewers have added over the years.
October 7, 1998
More Best Viewed With.... recommended browser buttons
A very dedicated fan of my websites, Damien Kyle, has submitted some buttons of his own. I have added them here. These are the first (of many, I hope) viewer contributions. If you have any ideas, suggestions or browser parodies you made yourself, please feel free to contact me. Maybe you'll see them here.

August 8, 1998
Gorditas URL Viewer version 1.0
That lovable pooch from Taco Bell now has his own browser. Go surf the Che Wide Web with this Supreme browser. Be sure to hot sauce all your favorite sites.
July 24, 1998
Best Viewed With.... recommended browser buttons
From a suggestion someone sent me, I went ahead and built buttons for each of the browsers. These are those "Best Viewed With..." buttons you often see on pages. If you would like to put one of these on your page, simply copy the image to your server and link it to this page. Drop me a line to let me know you've linked to me.
May 5, 1998
VW Beetle Browser version 1.0
It's here. It's the browser we've all been waiting for. Small, quick and safe. The classic browser is back in all it's modern glory. (Inspired by Scott McClintock).
VW Beetle Browser
February 17, 1998
ButterBrowser version 1.0
I can't believe there's no viable Netscape substitute. Just think of all the extra calories we get with Netscape. Well, do away this the unhealthy excess of Netscape without losing all it's wholesome goodness.
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Browser
Nov. 1, 1997
McWeb Browser version 1.0
Here's a little fast-food of a browser idea. Can you think of a better way to get fries with that website? Perhaps their food is a little less greasy in cyberspace. Either way, this browser might be a little bright for the average user, but then again, over 99 Billion Web Sites served.
McDonald's Web Browser Mock-Up
Nov. 1, 1997
NetBunny version 1.0
Ever wonder what battery is being used under the hood of all those web browsers and servers? Well now you'll know exactly what's powering your browser. Just hope that the servers aren't using that other battery or there might not be that much to see.
Energizer's Web Browser Mock-Up

Rate Them
Let me know what you think of my designs.
McWeb Browser
Super Sized!! 33.6% (41)
Happy Meal 23.8% (29)
Fries with that 16.4% (20)
Have it your way 12.3% (15)
McLame 13.9% (17)
Total votes: 122
Keeps on Going!! 33.7% (33)
Pink power 17.3% (17)
Dependable 24.5% (24)
Power drain 10.2% (10)
Get a Duracell 14.3% (14)
Total votes: 98
Butter Browser
Fabio!! 26.1% (24)
Yummy 17.4% (16)
Food 20.7% (19)
Lard 18.5% (17)
Bucket O'Crap 17.4% (16)
Total votes: 92
VW Beetle Browser
Hot Rod!! 40.4% (40)
Classy Chassis 23.2% (23)
Transportation 15.2% (15)
Yuppie Playmobile 16.2% (16)
A Lemon 5.1% (5)
Total votes: 99
Gorditas URL Viewer
Hot Sauced!! 44.0% (40)
Supreme 19.8% (18)
Mild Sauce 17.6% (16)
Regular Taco 9.9% (9)
Pile O' Beans 8.8% (8)
Total votes: 91

Got An Idea?
Let me know what you think I should do next.
This is a Cool Idea Lame Idea

All parodies are the creation of Matte Elsbernd. All images used in these designs are property of their owners.
This website and all the ideas/graphics contained in it are meant as parody. No intent has been made to infringe on any copyrights, trademarks or patents. All trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners. Everything is humorous. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.