Matte Elsbernd web publisher. writer. photographer. 30 years experience.
In high school I started keeping track of all the books I finished. Once you start, you sort of feel funny not continuing the list. Now I feel bad I didn't start the list sooner. So, here it is, no longer a list on binder paper, but rather in a database and all that fancy jazz. Perhaps it'll be of some interest to you - getting a sense for my interests. But regardless, it's sort of a legacy thing for me.
the 84 books read by matte elsbernd (since 1988) written by authors who's last name starts with the letter R.
Books Read
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(Auto)Biography | Business | Computers | Creativity + Design | Fiction + Literature | History + Geography | Humor | Language | Psychology + Culture | Science Fiction | Thrillers + Suspense | Writing + Careers | Misc.
Recent | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
Jonathan Rabb
1. The Overseer (Finished Dec 25, 2008)
Andrew Rae
1. Moonhead and the Music Machine (Read from Dec 28, 2015 to Dec 28, 2015)
Jeff Ragsdale
1. Jeff, One Lonely Guy with David Shields (Read from Mar 25, 2012 to Mar 25, 2012)
David Rakoff
1. Don't Get Too Comfortable
Ted Rall
1. Snowden (Read from Jan 28, 2016 to Jan 28, 2016)
Umesh Ramakrishnan
1. There's No Elevator to the Top: A Leading Headhunter Shares the Advancement Strategies of the World's Most Successful Executives (Finished Mar 26, 2009)
Gordon Ramsay
1. Roasting in Hell's Kitchen: Temper Tantrums, F Words, and the Pursuit of Perfection (Read from Jan 06, 2011 to Jan 08, 2011)
Joe Randazzo
1. Funny on Purpose: The Definitive Guide to an Unpredictable Career in Comedy (Read from Feb 26, 2017 to Apr 01, 2017)
Ian Rankin
1. The Complaints (Finished Jul 30, 2014)
Eugene Raskin
1. Architecturally Speaking
Dan Rather
1. What Unites Us with Elliot Kirschner (Read from Oct 21, 2020 to Oct 29, 2020)
Kit Reed
1. Revenge of the Senior Citizens
Robert Reed
1. Black Milk
Robert Reich
1. Locked in the Cabinet
2. The Common Good (Read from Feb 02, 2019 to Feb 05, 2019)
Joseph Reid
1. Takeoff (Read from Jul 13, 2018 to Jul 18, 2018)
Robert Reid
1. Year One: An Intimate Look Inside Harvard Business School (Finished Jul 26, 2008)
Matthew Reilly
1. Area 7: (Shane Schofield Book 2) (Read from Feb 22, 2010 to Feb 26, 2010)
2. Contest (Read from Mar 02, 2010 to Mar 05, 2010)
3. Ice Station: (Shane Schofield Book 1) (Read from Feb 18, 2010 to Feb 21, 2010)
4. Scarecrow: (Shane Schofield Book 3) (Read from Mar 05, 2010 to Mar 08, 2010)
5. Scarecrow Returns: (Shane Schofield Book 4) (Read from Jan 06, 2012 to Jan 08, 2012)
6. Seven Deadly Wonders: (Jack West Jr. Book 1) (Finished Jun 15, 2008)
7. Temple (Finished Feb 17, 2010)
8. The Five Greatest Warriors: (Jack West Jr. Book 3) (Read from Jan 07, 2010 to Jan 10, 2010)
9. The Four Legendary Kingdoms: (Jack West Jr. Book 4) (Read from May 05, 2017 to May 09, 2017)
10. The Great Zoo of China (Read from Jan 27, 2015 to Jan 29, 2015)
11. The One Impossible Labyrinth: (Jack West Jr. Book 7) (Read from Jan 19, 2022 to Jan 21, 2022)
12. The Secret Runners (Read from Jan 02, 2022 to Jan 04, 2022)
13. The Six Sacred Stones: (Jack West Jr. Book 2) (Finished May 16, 2008)
14. The Three Secret Cities: (Jack West Jr. Book 5) (Read from Dec 05, 2018 to Dec 09, 2018)
15. The Tournament (Read from Jun 23, 2016 to Jun 30, 2016)
16. The Two Lost Mountains: (Jack West Jr. Book 6) (Read from Aug 14, 2021 to Aug 18, 2021)
Carl Reiner
1. How Paul Robeson Saved My Life and Other Mostly Happy Stories
Erich Maria Remarque
1. All Quiet on the Western Front
Rick Remender
1. A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance: Issues 1-5 with Andre Lima Araujo (Read from Jun 20, 2024 to Jun 20, 2024)
Steven Rendall
1. The Way Things Aren't: Rush Limbaugh's Reign of Error
Mike Resnick
1. Eros at Zenith
Margaret Rey
1. Curious George Goes to the Aquarium with H.A. Rey
Alastair Reynolds
1. Pushing Ice (Finished Aug 17, 2007)
Jason Reynolds
1. Stamped: (a remix of Stamped From the Beginning) with Ibram X. Kendi (Listened from Jul 13, 2020 to Jul 19, 2020)
Howard Rheingold
1. The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier
David Rhodes
1. Written in Stone (Read from Oct 26, 2016 to Oct 31, 2016)
A.G. Riddle
1. Pandemic (Read from Jun 10, 2019 to Jun 17, 2019)
David L. Robbins
1. The End of War
2. War of the Rats
Chris Roberson
1. Further: Beyond the Threshold (Read from May 15, 2021 to May 24, 2021)
Russ Roberts
1. Wild Problems: A Guide to the Decisions That Define Us (Listened from Sep 15, 2022 to Sep 22, 2022)
Keith Robertson
1. Henry Reed's Think Tank
Jeremy Robinson
1. Beneath (Read from Jan 14, 2016 to Jan 22, 2016)
2. Island 731 (Read from Dec 22, 2015 to Dec 26, 2015)
Kim Stanley Robinson
1. Red Moon (Read from Feb 07, 2019 to Feb 22, 2019)
Peter Robinson
1. Snapshots From Hell: The Making of an MBA (Finished May 27, 2008)
Spider Robinson
1. Mindkiller
2. Time Pressure
JB Rockwell
1. Serengeti (Read from Aug 03, 2016 to Aug 06, 2016)
2. Serengeti 2 (Read from Nov 01, 2017 to Nov 21, 2017)
Nancy Taylor Rosenberg
1. Mitigating Circumstances
Veronica Roth
1. Allegiant: (Divergent Book 3) (Read from Jan 24, 2024 to Jan 26, 2024)
2. Divergent: (Divergent Book 1) (Read from Jan 06, 2024 to Jan 08, 2024)
3. Insurgent: (Divergent Book 2) (Read from Jan 15, 2024 to Jan 21, 2024)
David J. Rothkopf
1. Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making (Read from Apr 02, 2011 to Apr 06, 2011)
Christopher Rowe
1. These Prisoning Hills (Read from Jul 17, 2022 to Jul 26, 2022)
Penelope Rowlands
1. Paris Was Ours: Thirty-Two Writers Reflect on the City of Light (Read from Apr 16, 2013 to May 04, 2013)
J.K. Rowling
1. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: (Book 2)
2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: (Book 7)
3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: (Book 7) (Listened from Sep 24, 2020 to Oct 03, 2020)
4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: (Book 4) (Listened from Jun 23, 2020 to Jul 04, 2020)
5. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: (Book 6) (Listened from Aug 30, 2020 to Sep 11, 2020)
6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: (Book 6)
7. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: (Book 5) (Listened from Jul 21, 2020 to Aug 09, 2020)
8. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: (Book 1) (Read from Apr 01, 2020 to Apr 14, 2020)
9. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: (Book 3) (Listened from Jun 16, 2020 to Jun 23, 2020)
Elizabeth Royte
1. Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash
Danny Rubin
1. How to Write Groundhog Day (Read from Oct 17, 2012 to Oct 18, 2012)
Michael Rubin
1. DroidMaker: George Lucas and the Digital Revolution (Finished Sep 14, 2006)
Christian Rudder
1. Dataclysm: Who We Are (When We Think No One's Looking) (Read from Oct 06, 2014 to Oct 09, 2014)
Bernard Rudofsky
1. Architecture Without Architects: A Short Introduction to Non-Pedigreed Architecture
Matt Ruff
1. The Mirage (Read from Dec 06, 2013 to Dec 17, 2013)
Steve Rushin
1. Road Swing: One Fan's Journey into the Soul of American Sports
Adam Rutherford
1. A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived: The Human Story Retold Through Our Genes (Read from Aug 02, 2019 to Aug 28, 2019)
Christopher Ryan
1. Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships (Read from Dec 07, 2015 to Dec 15, 2015)
Frank Ryan, MD
1. Virus X: Tracking the New Killer Plagues Out of the Present and Into the Future
M.J. Ryan
1. Trusting Yourself: How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed and Live More Happily with Less Effort (Listened from Jul 19, 2021 to Jul 26, 2021)
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