Matte Elsbernd web publisher. writer. photographer. 30 years experience.
In high school I started keeping track of all the books I finished. Once you start, you sort of feel funny not continuing the list. Now I feel bad I didn't start the list sooner. So, here it is, no longer a list on binder paper, but rather in a database and all that fancy jazz. Perhaps it'll be of some interest to you - getting a sense for my interests. But regardless, it's sort of a legacy thing for me.
the 90 books read by matte elsbernd (since 1988) written by authors who's last name starts with the letter F.
Books Read
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(Auto)Biography | Business | Computers | Creativity + Design | Fiction + Literature | History + Geography | Humor | Language | Psychology + Culture | Science Fiction | Thrillers + Suspense | Writing + Careers | Misc.
Recent | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
Adele Faber
1. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk with Elaine Mazlish (Read from May 02, 2014 to May 03, 2014)
Michel Faber
1. Under the Skin (Read from May 01, 2014 to May 02, 2014)
Warren Fahy
1. Fragment (Read from Jul 29, 2010 to Aug 04, 2010)
Sonia Faleiro
1. Beautiful Thing (Read from Jul 22, 2012 to Aug 09, 2012)
Hendrik Falkenberg
1. Time Heals No Wounds (Read from Sep 09, 2016 to Sep 16, 2016)
Philip Farmer
1. Dayworld
Mick Farren
1. Necrom
2. Vickers
William Faulkner
1. Light in August
Lyndsay Faye
1. Dust and Shadow (Read from Apr 22, 2012 to Apr 25, 2012)
2. The Gods of Gotham (Read from Apr 01, 2012 to Apr 05, 2012)
Paul Feig
1. Superstud: Or How I Became a 24-Year-Old Virgin (Finished Jun 24, 2007)
David Feldman
1. Do Penguins Have Knees?
2. How Do Astronauts Scratch An Itch?
3. Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?
Caryl Ferey
1. Zulu (Read from May 29, 2014 to Jun 09, 2014)
Niall Ferguson
1. The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World (Finished Apr 05, 2009)
Timothy Ferriss
1. The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich (Finished Oct 09, 2007)
Dan Fesperman
1. Layover in Dubai (Read from Sep 18, 2012 to Sep 23, 2012)
Tina Fey
1. Bossypants (Read from May 06, 2011 to May 07, 2011)
Richard P. Feynman
1. Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics Explained By Its Most Brilliant Teacher (Read from Oct 01, 2010 to Oct 03, 2010)
Ranulph Fiennes
1. The Feather Men (Read from Jan 02, 2012 to Jan 06, 2012)
Fifty Lessons
1. Managing Your Career: Lessons Learned (Finished Dec 08, 2007)
Phillip Finch
1. f2f
Joseph Finder
1. Paranoia (Read from Nov 14, 0200 to Nov 22, 2010)
2. The Moscow Club
3. The Zero Hour
Stephen Fine
1. Molly Dear
Shaun Finnie
1. The Disneylands That Never Were (Finished Sep 29, 2007)
David Fischer
1. The Wrong Man
Neil Fishman
1. Puss in Boots: A Musical (Listened from May 27, 2023 to May 28, 2023)
F. Scott Fitzgerald
1. The Great Gatsby
Ira Flatow
1. Present at the Future: From Evolution to Nanotechnology, Candid and Controversial Conversations on Science and Nature (Finished Dec 15, 2009)
Gustave Flaubert
1. Madame Bovary
Ian Fleming
1. Casino Royale (Read from Dec 25, 2012 to Jan 01, 2013)
2. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Read from Apr 01, 2013 to Apr 02, 2013)
3. Diamonds Are Forever (Read from Aug 18, 2015 to Sep 06, 2015)
4. Dr. No (Read from Nov 22, 2015 to Nov 25, 2015)
5. For Your Eyes Only (Read from Dec 29, 2015 to Dec 30, 2015)
6. From Russia With Love (Read from Oct 06, 2015 to Oct 03, 2015)
7. Goldfinger (Read from Nov 25, 2015 to Nov 29, 2015)
8. Live and Let Die (Read from Aug 06, 2015 to Aug 13, 2015)
9. Moonraker (Read from Aug 13, 2015 to Aug 18, 2015)
10. Octopussy and the Living Daylights (Read from Jul 31, 2018 to Aug 01, 2018)
11. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (Read from Aug 07, 2018 to Aug 12, 2018)
12. The Man With the Golden Gun (Read from Aug 01, 2018 to Aug 04, 2018)
13. The Spy Who Loved Me (Read from May 23, 2016 to May 28, 2016)
14. Thrilling Cities (Read from Jul 13, 2013 to Jul 14, 2013)
15. Thunderball (Read from Jan 31, 2016 to Feb 03, 2016)
Joe Flood
1. Knee Deep: Book One (Read from Feb 19, 2024 to Feb 19, 2024)
Richard Florida
1. The Flight of the Creative Class: The New Global Competition for Talent (Finished Oct 17, 2006)
2. The Great Reset: How New Ways of Living and Working Drive Post-Crash Prosperity (Read from Feb 27, 2011 to Feb 28, 2011)
3. Who's Your City: How the Creative Economy Is Making Where to Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life (Finished Feb 17, 2009)
Joe Flower
1. Prince of the Magic Kingdom: Michael Eisner and the Re-Making of Disney
Bent Flyvbjerg
1. How Big Things Get Done: The Surprising Factors That Determine the Fate of Every Project with Dan Gardner (Read from Jun 15, 2023 to Jun 21, 2023)
Ken Follett
1. Eye of the Needle (Finished Jun 22, 2009)
2. Jackdaws
3. The Hammer of Eden (Finished Mar 07, 2007)
Richard Fortey
1. Dry Storeroom No. 1: The Secret Life of the Natural History Museum (Read from Aug 18, 2015 to Sep 07, 2015)
Alan Dean Foster
1. Alient Covenant: Origins (Read from Oct 16, 2017 to Oct 22, 2017)
2. Predators I Have Known (Read from Jun 05, 2011 to Jun 08, 2011)
Matt Fraction
1. November: (Volume 1 - The Girl on the Roof) with Elsa Charretier (Read from Jul 18, 2020 to Jul 19, 2020)
2. Sex Criminals Vol. 1: One Weird Trick with Chip Zdarsky (Read from Feb 05, 2020 to Feb 06, 2020)
3. Sex Criminals Vol. 2: One Cop with Chip Zdarsky (Read from Feb 06, 2020 to Feb 06, 2020)
4. Sex Criminals Vol. 3: Three the Hard Way with Chip Zdarsky (Read from Feb 06, 2020 to Feb 06, 2020)
Anne Frank
1. The Diary of a Young Girl (Read from May 01, 2024 to May 07, 2024)
Josh Frank
1. Giraffes on Horseback Salad (Read from Feb 05, 2020 to Feb 07, 2020)
Pat Frank
1. Mr. Adam (Read from Aug 04, 2017 to Aug 09, 2017)
Robert H. Frank
1. The Economic Naturalist: In Search of Explanations for Everyday Enigmas (Read from Oct 16, 2008 to Oct 23, 2008)
2. The High-Beta Rich: How the Manic Wealthy Will Take Us to the Next Boom, Bubble, and Bust (Read from Sep 23, 2012 to Sep 29, 2012)
Al Franken
1. Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot: and Other Observations
Viktor E. Frankl
1. Man's Search For Meaning (Read from Dec 15, 2012 to Dec 21, 2012)
Jonathan Franzen
1. How To Be Alone: Essays
Peter Frase
1. Four Futures: Life After Capitalism (Read from Jan 10, 2019 to Jan 13, 2019)
Ian Frazier
1. Coyote v. Acme
Matthew Frederick
1. 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School (Finished Sep 12, 2008)
Ernest Freeberg
1. The Age of Edison: Electric Light and the Invention of Modern America (Read from Sep 01, 2014 to Nov 01, 2014)
Brian Freeman
1. The Night Bird (Read from Jan 27, 2017 to Feb 03, 2017)
Nicci French
1. Blue Monday (Read from Mar 21, 2012 to Mar 24, 2012)
James N. Frey
1. Circle of Death
Jason Fried
1. Rework: Change the Way You Work Forever with David Heinemeier Hansson (Read from Sep 04, 2010 to Sep 05, 2010)
George Friedman
1. The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century (Read from Sep 07, 2011 to Sep 13, 2011)
Thomas L. Friedman
1. That Used to Be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World It Invented and How We Can Come Back with Michael Mandelbaum (Read from Jul 01, 2015 to Jul 11, 2015)
2. The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century (Finished Sep 14, 2006)
Jeff Friesen
1. LEGO Micro Cities (Read from Nov 14, 2020 to Nov 14, 2020)
2. The LEGO Castle Book (Read from Nov 13, 2020 to Nov 14, 2020)
Erich Fromm
1. To Have or To Be? (Read from Sep 01, 2017 to Sep 19, 2017)
Riva Froymovich
1. End of the Good Life: How the Financial Crisis Threatens a Lost Generation - and What We Can Do About It (Read from Feb 09, 2018 to Feb 11, 2018)
Alan Furst
1. Mission to Paris (Read from Nov 14, 2012 to Nov 17, 2012)
Paul Fussell
1. Bad Or, The Dumbing of America
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