Matte Elsbernd web publisher. writer. photographer. 30 years experience.
In high school I started keeping track of all the books I finished. Once you start, you sort of feel funny not continuing the list. Now I feel bad I didn't start the list sooner. So, here it is, no longer a list on binder paper, but rather in a database and all that fancy jazz. Perhaps it'll be of some interest to you - getting a sense for my interests. But regardless, it's sort of a legacy thing for me.
the 32 books read by matte elsbernd (since 1988) written by authors who's last name starts with the letter N.
Books Read
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All
(Auto)Biography | Business | Computers | Creativity + Design | Fiction + Literature | History + Geography | Humor | Language | Psychology + Culture | Science Fiction | Thrillers + Suspense | Writing + Careers | Misc.
Recent | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
Hari Kumar Nair
1. Intersection Man (Read from Jul 08, 2018 to Jul 13, 2018)
John Naisbitt
1. High Tech High Touch: Technology and Our Search for Meaning
Harry Edward Neal
1. Nonfiction
Nicholas Negroponte
1. Being Digital
Jo Nesbo
1. Blood on Snow (Read from Apr 08, 2015 to Apr 10, 2015)
2. Cockroaches: (Harry Hole Book 2) (Read from Feb 11, 2014 to Feb 21, 2014)
3. Killing Moom: (Harry Hole Book 13) with Sean Kinsella (Read from Nov 20, 2023 to Dec 01, 2023)
4. Midnight Sun (Read from Mar 18, 2016 to Mar 19, 2016)
5. Nemesis: (Harry Hole Book 4) (Read from Jul 13, 2011 to Jul 18, 2011)
6. Phantom: (Harry Hole Book 9) (Read from Oct 18, 2012 to Oct 21, 2012)
7. Police: (Harry Hole Book 10) (Read from Oct 21, 2013 to Oct 29, 2013)
8. The Bat: (Harry Hole Book 1) (Read from Jul 03, 2013 to Jul 07, 2013)
9. The Devil's Star: (Harry Hole Book 5) (Read from Jul 26, 2011 to Jul 31, 2011)
10. The Knife: (Harry Hole Book 12) (Read from Aug 11, 2020 to Aug 17, 2020)
11. The Leopard: (Harry Hole Book 8) (Read from Dec 12, 2011 to Dec 22, 2011)
12. The Redbreast: (Harry Hole Book 3) (Read from Jul 20, 2011 to Jul 26, 2011)
13. The Redeemer: (Harry Hole Book 6) (Read from May 22, 2013 to May 29, 2013)
14. The Snowman: (Harry Hole Book 7) (Read from Aug 31, 2011 to Sep 03, 2011)
15. The Son (Read from May 12, 2014 to May 22, 2014)
16. The Thirst: (Harry Hole Book 11) (Read from May 09, 2017 to May 15, 2017)
Katherine Neville
1. The Eight (Finished Nov 05, 2008)
2. The Fire (Read from Oct 24, 2010 to Nov 24, 2010)
New Republic Magazine
1. Bushisms (Ed.)
Diccon Newest
1. Swiss Watching: Inside Europe's Landlocked Island (Read from Jul 14, 2012 to Jul 22, 2012)
Bob Newhart
1. I Shouldn't Even Be Doing This: And Other Things That Strike Me As Funny (Read from Dec 20, 2012 to Dec 21, 2012)
John Nichols
1. Conjugal Bliss
Christoph Niemann
1. Abstract City (Read from Jul 23, 2023 to Jul 23, 2023)
Robert Niles
1. Stories From A Theme Park Insider (Read from Feb 06, 2012 to Feb 07, 2012)
Larry Niven
1. Oath of Fealty
William F. Nolan
1. Logan's Run (Read from Apr 22, 2018 to Apr 24, 2018)
Donald A. Norman
1. The Design of Everyday Things
Laurie Notaro
1. We Thought You Would Be Prettier: True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive (Read from Jun 17, 2016 to Jun 23, 2016)
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