Matte Elsbernd web publisher. writer. photographer. 30 years experience.
In high school I started keeping track of all the books I finished. Once you start, you sort of feel funny not continuing the list. Now I feel bad I didn't start the list sooner. So, here it is, no longer a list on binder paper, but rather in a database and all that fancy jazz. Perhaps it'll be of some interest to you - getting a sense for my interests. But regardless, it's sort of a legacy thing for me.
the 90 books read by matte elsbernd (since 1988) which have kindly omitted the letter K.
Books Read
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(Auto)Biography | Business | Computers | Creativity + Design | Fiction + Literature | History + Geography | Humor | Language | Psychology + Culture | Science Fiction | Thrillers + Suspense | Writing + Careers | Misc.
Recent | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
Franz Kafka
1. Amerika
2. Give It Up! And Other Short Stories with Peter Kuper
3. The Trial
Alice Kahn
1. Luncheon at the Cafe Ridiculous
Konstantin Kakaes
1. The Pioneer Detectives: Did a Distant Spacecraft Prove Einstein and Newton Wrong? (Read from Sep 11, 2013 to Sep 15, 2013)
Michio Kaku
1. The Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives By the Year 2100 (Read from Aug 02, 2012 to Aug 04, 2012)
Jodi Kantor
1. The Slate Diaries (Ed.) with Cyrus Krohn & Judith Shulevitz
Bruce Eric Kaplan
1. I Was a Child (Read from Jul 16, 2023 to Jul 16, 2023)
Ellen Kaplan
1. Bozo Sapiens: Why to Err is Human with Michael Kaplan (Read from May 12, 2013 to May 24, 2013)
Paul Karasik
1. Paul Aster's City of Glass with David Mazzucchelli (Read from Nov 30, 2015 to Nov 30, 2015)
Tetsu Kariya
1. Oishinbo: The Joy of Rice with Akira Hanasaki (Read from Jan 23, 2016 to Jan 26, 2016)
Harvey Karp, MD
1. The Happiest Baby on the Block: The New Way to Calm Crying and Help Your Newborn Baby Sleep Longer (Read from Jun 30, 2010 to Jul 09, 2010)
2. The Happiest Toddler on the Block: How to Eliminate Tantrums and Raise a Patient, Respectful, and Cooperative One- to Four-Year-Old (Read from Feb 10, 2013 to Feb 20, 2013)
Jonathan Katz
1. To-Do Lists of the Dead (Finished Jan 17, 2008)
Rupi Kaur
1. milk and honey (Read from Feb 02, 2020 to Feb 02, 2020)
2. the sun and her flowers (Read from Jan 01, 2020 to Jan 08, 2020)
Guy Kawasaki
1. Rules for Revolutionaries: The Capitalist Manifesto for Creating & Marketing New Products and Services with Michele Moreno
Susanna Kaysen
1. Girl, Interrupted
Doris Kearns
1. Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln (Read from Aug 05, 2011 to Aug 19, 2011)
Joshua Keating
1. Invisible Countries: Journeys to the Edge of Nationhood (Listened from Aug 01, 2020 to Aug 10, 2020)
John Keats
1. The Crack in the Picture Window
Robin Keats
1. TV Land: A Guide to America's Television Shrines, Sets and Sites
Greg Keen
1. Soho Dead (Read from Jan 03, 2018 to Jan 09, 2018)
Garrison Keillor
1. Me by Jimmy (Big Boy) Valente As Told To Garrison Keillor: A Political Satire
Jeremy Keith
1. HTML5 For Web Designers (Read from Jul 18, 2010 to Jul 18, 2010)
Robert E Kelley
1. The Gold-Collar Worker: Harnessing the Brainpower of the New Workforce
Sarah Kendzior
1. Dictatorship: It's Easier Than You Think! with Andrea Chalupa (Read from Aug 07, 2023 to Aug 08, 2023)
Phillip Kennedy, Jr.
1. Alien: Vol. 1 Bloodlines with Salvador Larroca (Read from Sep 30, 2023 to Sep 30, 2023)
2. Alien: Vol. 2 Revival with Salvador Larroca (Read from Sep 30, 2023 to Sep 30, 2023)
3. Alien: Vol. 3 Icarus with Salvador Larroca (Read from Oct 01, 2023 to Oct 01, 2023)
Randy Kennedy
1. Subwayland: Adventures in the World Beneath New York
Charles Kenney
1. Hammurabi's Code
Philip Kerr
1. The Grid
Ken Kesey
1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Read from Jul 06, 2011 to Jul 08, 2011)
Daniel Keyes
1. The Minds of Billy Milligan
Salman Khan
1. The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined (Read from Feb 15, 2015 to Feb 22, 2015)
Raymond Khoury
1. Shadow Tag with Steve Berry (Read from Mar 19, 2016 to Mar 24, 2016)
2. The Sanctuary (Read from Dec 23, 2009 to Dec 27, 2009)
Thomas E. Kida
1. Don't Believe Everything You Think: The 6 Basic Mistakes We Make in Thinking (Read from Mar 21, 2010 to Apr 03, 2010)
Chip Kidd
1. The Cheese Monkeys: A Novel In Two Semesters
Dan Kindlon, Ph.D.
1. Too Much of a Good Thing: Raising Children of Character in an Indulgent Age (Read from Dec 12, 2012 to Dec 19, 2012)
Brett King
1. The Radix (Read from Jan 06, 2016 to Jan 09, 2016)
Owen King
1. Intro to Alien Invasion with Mark Jude Poirer (Read from Jul 23, 2023 to Jul 23, 2023)
Stephen King
1. 11.22.63 (Read from Jul 18, 2018 to Jul 31, 2018)
2. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
3. The Long Walk (Listened from Mar 20, 2020 to Apr 01, 2020)
4. The Running Man (Read from Aug 12, 2018 to Aug 27, 2018)
5. The Stand
Barbara Kingsolver
1. Demon Copperhead (Read from Dec 05, 2023 to Jan 13, 2024)
2. The Poisonwood Bible
Mark Kingwell
1. Concrete Reveries: Consciousness and the City (Read from Sep 01, 2011 to Sep 03, 2011)
Leonard Kinsey
1. The Dark Side of Disney (Read from Jan 13, 2012 to Jan 14, 2012)
Gwen E. Kirby
1. Shit Cassandra Saw (Read from Jul 12, 2022 to Jul 17, 2022)
Rick Kirkman
1. Adult Time: (Baby Blues Book 35) with Jerry Scott (Read from Sep 22, 2023 to Sep 22, 2023)
2. Bedlam: (Baby Blues Book 30) with Jerry Scott (Read from Sep 26, 2023 to Sep 26, 2023)
3. Stink Eye: (Baby Blues Book 38) with Jerry Scott (Read from Aug 30, 2023 to Aug 30, 2023)
Robert Kirkman
1. The Walking Dead: (Compendium 1) (Read from Feb 18, 2020 to Feb 23, 2020)
2. The Walking Dead: (Compendium 2) (Read from Mar 12, 2020 to Mar 16, 2020)
3. The Walking Dead: (Compendium 3) (Read from Mar 22, 2020 to Mar 26, 2020)
4. The Walking Dead: (Compendium 4) (Read from Mar 27, 2020 to Mar 28, 2020)
Walter Kirn
1. Up In The Air (Read from Sep 26, 2011 to Sep 28, 2011)
Richard Kirshenbaum
1. Madboy: My Journey from Adboy to Adman with L. J. Ganser (Read from May 26, 2012 to May 27, 2012)
Erin Kissane
1. The Elements of Content Strategy (Read from May 08, 2011 to May 08, 2011)
Lisa Kivirist
1. Kiss Off Corporate America: A Young Professional's Guide to Independence
Jon Klassen
1. The Skull (Read from Mar 24, 2024 to Mar 24, 2024)
Naomi Klein
1. No Logo (Finished May 29, 2008)
Tovah P. Klein
1. How Toddlers Thrive: What Parents Can Do Today for Children Ages 2-5 to Plant the Seeds of Lifelong Success (Read from Feb 21, 2014 to Mar 12, 2014)
Reinhard Kleist
1. Nick Cave: Mercy on Me (Read from Dec 13, 2018 to Jan 27, 2019)
William K. Klingaman
1. The Darkest Year: The American Home Front (1941-1942) (Read from Jun 17, 2019 to Jul 01, 2019)
Leidy Klotz
1. Subtract: The Untapped Science of Less (Finished Feb 02, 2023)
Francis Knight
1. Fade to Black (Read from Dec 18, 2015 to Dec 22, 2015)
Lucy Knisley
1. An Age of License (Read from Apr 18, 2015 to Apr 18, 2015)
Jared Knott
1. Try Blunders, Big Disasters: Thirty-Nine Tiny Mistakes That Changes the World Forever (Read from Jun 01, 2021 to Jun 09, 2021)
John Knowles
1. A Separate Peace
Richard Koch
1. The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less (Finished Nov 11, 2009)
Timothy J Koegel
1. The Exceptional Presenter: A Proven Formula to Open Up and Own the Room (Finished Oct 29, 2009)
David Koenig
1. Realityland: True-Life Adventures at Walt Disney World (Finished Dec 08, 2007)
David Koepp
1. Cold Storage (Listened from Aug 25, 2020 to Aug 30, 2020)
Andreas Kollender
1. The Honest Spy (Read from May 14, 2018 to May 27, 2018)
Randy Komisar
1. The Monk and the Riddle : The Education of a Silicon Valley Entrepreneur
Jim Korkis
1. The Vault of Walt (Read from Oct 29, 2010 to Nov 01, 2010)
C.M. Kornbluth
1. The Marching Morons (Read from Mar 31, 2013 to Apr 01, 2013)
Josh Kosman
1. The Buyout of America: How Private Equity Will Cause the Next Great Credit Crisis (Read from Mar 05, 2011 to Mar 07, 2011)
Joel Kotkin
1. The City: A Global History (Finished Jan 12, 2009)
2. The New Geography: How the Digital Revolution Is Reshaping the American Landscape (Finished Oct 17, 2008)
Eric Kraft
1. At Home with the Glynns: The Personal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy (continued)
Fran Krause
1. Deep Dark Fears (Read from Jul 21, 2023 to Jul 21, 2023)
Erik Kriek
1. In the Pines (Read from Jan 29, 2020 to Jan 29, 2020)
Paul Krugman
1. The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 (Finished Jul 20, 2009)
Peter B. Kyne
1. The Go-Getter (Read from Nov 03, 2010 to Nov 03, 2010)
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