Matte Elsbernd web publisher. writer. photographer. 30 years experience.
The web has always attracted me as a way to express my ideas. My ideas come in many shapes and sizes. Whether it's visual, verbal or programmatical, I've found some way to explore them, whether it turned into an actual website, stopped as a small demo, or remains simply an (not so) used idea that is waiting for someone else to take up and run with.
The sites/projects below are pretty much 100% my work from idea to writing, design, development, etc. I think it's a pretty impressive list, but it's still just a sliver of the ones I've wanted to build.
Sites/Projects of Matte Elsbernd
The Royal Saltworks
I have been building websites since 1994. At first, they were just off my Cal Poly webspace. Then off my NWlink dial-up space. Then they popped up on my first domain in 1996. Over time, I started having more and more projects, many with their own URLs. They ranged from small personal sites to large, resource sites. In 2009, before starting the Stanford GSB, I felt I needed to create a more official entity for these projects and came up with The Royal Saltworks. While the projects haven't changed, the intent behind them have. I don't really plan to turn any into businesses in themselves, and thus it's not really important to me to have an official entity behind the projects anymore, thus I'm redirecting to this part of my personal website. You can find my sites and projects on this website.
Sites/Projects of Matte Elsbernd
> Alphabet Stew -w
> American Freak Show -w
> Anyways...* -iw
> apocalypse -w
> Archives -m
> As Searched On...* -m
> Behind the Firm List Blog* -w
> BehindtheURL* -r
> Bloom -w
> Books I've Read -m
> Browser Wars* -a
> The Burroughs Proceedings -w
> Death of a Moth -w
> Dr. Woolittle -h
> 8Track On My Mind* -i
> The Electrical Socket* -m
> The Filmsite Graveyard* -m
> The Firm List* -ir
> Formulaic* -a
> fotomatte -p
> HexHues -ir
> I'm Dreaming of a Wool Christmas -h
> If I Had But 1/2 A Brain* -i
> LinkArt* -a
> MatteNet -aim
> No More Web* -iw
> (Not So) Used Ideas -hiw
> Periodically Coherent -f
> The PhiloMOMA -a
> Ransom Letters -f
> Society of Postmodern Archaeologists* -hw
> Socketboy in the Land of Splish* -ah
> Soiled Wool -h
> SteelWool -h
> Talking : The Dialogue Series -w
> Touch Tone TT -f
> The Tribe of Woolgatherers -h
> 2001 A Wool Odyssey -p
> Waking Up To Find You're Still Dreaming -hw
> WoolFest '99 -p
> WoolFest2000 -p
> Words Never Spoken -w
> Work, the Wool & the Web* -h
a = art   f = font   h = humor   i = interactive   m = misc.   p = photo   r = resource   w = writing
* indicates archived project (frozen in time with no planned future additions)
Copyright 1994-2024 All Rights Reserved
> home
> books i've read
> domain names i own
> fonts
> humor
> interactive
> misc
> photos
> portfolio
> press
> resume
> sites/projects
> social media
> what's new
> words
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