Matte Elsbernd web publisher. writer. photographer. 31 years experience.
The web has always attracted me as a way to express my ideas. My ideas come in many shapes and sizes. Whether it's visual, verbal or programmatical, I've found some way to explore them, whether it turned into an actual website, stopped as a small demo, or remains simply an (not so) used idea that is waiting for someone else to take up and run with.
The sites/projects below are pretty much 100% my work from idea to writing, design, development, etc. I think it's a pretty impressive list, but it's still just a sliver of the ones I've wanted to build.
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What Was New in 2001
Socketboy in the Land of Splish (November 19, 2001)
New Splish Page
I've added a new splish page for Socketboy in the Land of Splish.
The Firm List (November 7, 2001)
New Spotlight
I've added a new Spotlight on the firm Pelago over at The Firm List Spotlights.
The Firm List (November 6, 2001)
Spotlights Have Moved/Expanded
Moved The Firm List Spotlights to their own subdomain.
The Firm List (November 2, 2001)
The Firm List now has over 8,000 firm listings in over 85 countries!.
8Track On My Mind (November 2, 2001)
New Mix-Tape Added
I've added a new mix-tape recipe submitted to 8Track on My Mind.
The Firm List (October 31, 2001)
Spare Time, Where Did You Go?
All of my "spare time" is taken up by The Firm List, I'd check that out if I were you.
The Firm List (September 25, 2001)
Mad PHP Skills
I've decided to start learning PHP. I've been trying out some of my new knowledge to streamline the management of The Firm List. I don't know how much of a hard-core programmer I will become, but it's nice to know how to do it.
The Tribe of Woolgatherers (September 10, 2001)
Archives Uploaded
It still needs some work, but I have uploaded the Woolgatherer archive of emails going back to 1997. I still need to tweak a few things, but this gives you a larger collection of old humor than before.
2001 A Wool Odyssey (September 10, 2001)
More Pictures
I'm slowly adding pictures from the 4 WoolFest's I hosted this summer. Today I have added the pictures for WoolFest NoCalifornia.
The Firm List (August 8, 2001)
Someone brought to my attention the 2nd known rip-off site of one of my designs. They have taken the basic elements of the design and extended them to their use, rather than straightforward copying, but still, that's pretty obvious.
The Firm List (August 4, 2001)
Listing Fee
I've decided to start charging a $50 US listing fee for firms in the US to be listed on my site The Firm List. This is a way for me to reduce my workload as well as attempt to cover some of my costs.
The New Baby Name Index (July 23, 2001)
NBNI Handed Off to a Friend
I've removed the New Baby Name Index from being listed directly on this site as I am no longer directly involved in it's direction. I passed the site on to a friend who will help take it to a new level. A level I haven't had the time or energy to put towards it.
2001 A Wool Odyssey (July 21, 2001)
More Pictures
I've put up the pictures from WoolFest MidWest. Check them out!
VanityURL (July 21, 2001)
No More Vanity(URL)
I've decided to shut down VanityURL. In the process, most of the sites hosted on it will be discontinued. I have been having some problems transferring some over, but they will show up on this site soon.
No More Web (July 21, 2001)
New Entry
Add a new entry to No More Web.
Lost on the Internet (July 1, 2001)
Bye Bye
Well, it's truly lost now... no more 404 postcards.
RestFest (July 1, 2001)
Hope You All Got a Rest
For various reasons, RestFest just didn't get developed, so I am taking it down. Hope you're still resting.
2FND (July 1, 2001)
Site Offline
For various reasons, I have brought 2FND offline until I have a chance to rebuild it.
As Searched On... (June 15, 2001)
New Search Results
Adding more crazy search results in As Searched On. Hope it wasn't you!
2001 A Wool Odyssey (June 12, 2001)
WoolFest 2001
Launched the website for this year's WoolFest. Hope to see you there!
The Firm List (May 22, 2001)
New Spotlight
A new spotlight of the firm Edge was launched on The Firm List.
RESRC (May 22, 2001)
Regional New Media Resources
Finished adding the regional resource listings to The Firm List. Now you can view various new media resources for whichever region you happen to be in or you can view the resources for an entire continent at one time.
The Firm List (May 5, 2001)
Advisory Panel
I finally finished The Firm List Advisory Panel a place on The Firm List for me to explain my plans for the site and to allow for feedback from interested users of the site on which are more important changes and how to make the site even better.
The Firm List (May 4, 2001)
New Spotlight
A new spotlight of the firm MK-Ultra was launched on The Firm List.
The Firm List (April 22, 2001)
3rd Birthday
The Firm List's 3rd Birthday has arrived. It's been a lot of work, but I hope you enjoy!
The Firm List (April 14, 2001)
The 7,000 Mark
The Firm List passed the 7,000 firm mark. It's been quite a struggle to keep up with all of the firms, but seeing it become the largest guide of its kind makes it all worthwhile.
The Electrical Socket (April 1, 2001) Sold!? was sold to AOL for $5.2 billion dollars. With the proceeds of the sale, I'm off to Florida to spend a month at DisneyWorld. Drop by if you're in the neighborhood. April Fools!
The Firm List (March 28, 2001)
Easier to Use Home Page
Revised the main page of The Firm List to allow easy & quick access to browse and search the listings.
Just 4 Words (March 28, 2001)
New Pieces
Added 3 new pieces to Viewer's Choice. Not my best work, by far, but figured I need to update it.
The Firm List (March 5, 2001)
Mentioned in Darwin Magazine
Discovered that The Firm List was mentioned in an article in Darwin Magazine's online site (did it make the magazine as well?). They use the "more than 6,000 firms" as a guidepost number in their article, though I've seen 40,000 as an estimated number of web design firms, and somehow I don't think it's necessarily off the mark. We're up to about 6,600 firms now anyways.
The Firm List (February 27, 2001)
The Firm List Australia
Introducing The Firm List Australia.
RESRC (February 24, 2001)
Massachusetts Resources
Resources have been added to the Massachusetts listings on The Firm List.
The Firm List (February 16, 2001)
Updated Search
Updated the search function on The Firm List.
Browser Wars (January 23, 2001)
HTML Link of the Day
I was politely notifed that my site Browser Wars was picked as HTML Link of the Day at
RESRC (January 21, 2001)
Regional Resources
Over time I have been getting more and more emails and interest from web design/development professionals who are using The Firm List to keep track of what's going on in the industry as well as a resource to help them in their job hunts. I've heard from many designers as well as firms who tell me about finding the right career match through the site.

To address this audience, I am in the process of expanding the resources sections of the site. Moving from a simple, worldwide resource section, I am now focusing on strengthening the regional resource listings. The New York region is the first to have this resource section and that will continue to grow as well as the addition of more resources.
8Track On My Mind (January 19, 2001)
Small Update
Just a few small things. Added a band link that someone submitted to 8Track on My Mind.
No More Web (January 19, 2001)
New Piece
Added a new piece to No More Web.
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