Matte Elsbernd web publisher. writer. photographer. 31 years experience.
The web has always attracted me as a way to express my ideas. My ideas come in many shapes and sizes. Whether it's visual, verbal or programmatical, I've found some way to explore them, whether it turned into an actual website, stopped as a small demo, or remains simply an (not so) used idea that is waiting for someone else to take up and run with.
The sites/projects below are pretty much 100% my work from idea to writing, design, development, etc. I think it's a pretty impressive list, but it's still just a sliver of the ones I've wanted to build.
What's New: The Latest Developments
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What Was New in 2000
The Firm List (December 30, 2000)
Caught Up With Submissions
I've finally gotten all caught up with firm submissions. All of the submissions I received prior to today have been added to the site. If you submitted your firm but did not receive a confirmation or do not see it on the site, please drop me an email.
As Searched On... (December 30, 2000)
As Updated On...
I'm finally updating As Searched On..., which is always an interesting adventure.
Just 4 Words (December 17, 2000)
New Pieces
I've finally added some new pieces to Viewer's Choice which may be of delight to some of you, while others may be groaning right about now.
The Firm List (December 16, 2000)
6,000 Firms & Redesigned Main Page
Redesigned the main page to go along with the new design elements (colors, font, etc.) and to celebrate the 6,000 firm listing mark I just recently passed.
Work, the Wool & the Web (December 16, 2000)
New Batch of Humor
If you have never seen it, take a look at Work, the Wool & the Web which is a collection of humor created for The Firm List by The Tribe of Woolgatherers. There's a whole new batch of humor!
Work, the Wool & the Web (December 16, 2000)
New Batch of Humor
Work, the Wool, & the Web has been updated. It's been a while, but a new batch of work and web related humor has been added. Check it out.
The Firm List (December 16, 2000)
The 6,000 Barrier
I've passed the 6,000 firm listing milesone on The Firm List which is quite amazing to me, when I never had any expectations that the site would become the resource that it has, let alone it would draw the audience it seems to have.
The Firm List (December 15, 2000)
NYC Metro Area
Long overdue, I have tried to rework the New York and New York City listings. There is now a NYC Metro area listing as well as the move of Brooklyn and Bronx firms into the New York City listings.
The Firm List (December 4, 2000)
First Listing for Sri Lanka
Received a submission from yet another country, Sri Lanka. That brings the total number of countries up to 77!
The Firm List (November 22, 2000)
Profile Counters
I've added counters to the firm's profile pages, which allow the firms to see how often their profiles are being viewed. This is one of those pieces of functionality that could have positive and negative effects (what if you firm only has a few profile views?) but in the gradual move towards having more reviews/rating functionality for firms, this is a form of review/rating, if or nothing else but traffic.
The Firm List (November 21, 2000)
Spotlight on HyperInternet
Launched a new spotlight today, of a small bi-coastal firm I have run into, HyperInternet.
The Firm List (November 19, 2000)
Canada & UK Get Their Own Subdomains
In the further growth & development of this site, I have now separated the Canada and UK listings to their own subdomains, this will allow you to get to those listings quicker, and in the future, I hope to provide useful tools & resources specific to those regions.
The Firm List (November 18, 2000)
The Firm List in Books!
The Firm List was included in two recent Web Design books, both edited by Rick Danielson: Web Site Graphics: Navigation (vol. 2) and Web Site Graphics: Homepage and Splashpage.
The Firm List (November 14, 2000)
Getting Lucky
I discovered, that at least today, that if you do an "I'm Feeling Lucky" search on "Web Design Firms" on, you'll get The Firm List. Cool!
The Firm List (November 10, 2000)
New Spotlight
There's a new spotlight on The Firm List of a small bi-coastal web design shop HyperInternet.
The Firm List (November 8, 2000)
Ad Server Problems
There were some weird things going on with my ad server, so while fixing it and clearing out the problems, I decided to forgo any ad banners for a while. Thanks for visiting.
The Firm List (October 28, 2000)
Texas & Canada Updated
I've updated Texas and Canada for easier navigation as well. This new approach allows you to bookmark and target specific towns/cities not just states.
The Firm List (October 21, 2000)
Updated Massachusetts Listings
Have updated the Massachusetts listing to allow for a little easier navigation of the different cities/towns.
The Firm List (October 8, 2000)
Less Spare Time
Well, I've gone back into the full-time work world, so I won't get to spend as much time on this site as I have for the last few months, but I am still fully dedicated to make it the best one-man, spare-time site out there!
No More Web (September 28, 2000)
A Mention!
No More Web has been getting a good amount of traffic, submissions and even mentions. It's amazing to me how warmly the little site has been received. It was mentioned on a site for creativity,
BehindtheURL (September 21, 2000)
Introducing BehindtheURL
I moved the WHOIS tools from The Firm List to a new domain, behindtheURL and I've added other tools and resources for finding out information about URLs & domain names.
Anywhere.? (September 21, 2000)
Anywhere Goes Somewhere
Anywhere.? has moved again, this time to my new site behindtheURL which is all about domain names & URLs anyways.
The Firm List (September 17, 2000)
Mentioned on Visa's Site
I discovered that The Firm List is mentioned in an article on Visa's Merchant Resource Center on when to (re)design your website.
The Firm List (September 13, 2000)
Mentioned in eCompany Now
The Firm List was mentioned (briefly, at the end) in an article about eConstructor's (a similar site) on eCompany Now magazine's website. The article is on their Who Built It? directory. You can do similar searches on The Firm List, I just don't advertise the fact.
The Firm List (September 13, 2000)
Mention on eCompany Now
The Firm List was mentioned (briefly) in an article on eCompany Now magazine's website.
The Firm List (September 12, 2000)
Site of the Week
I discovered that The Firm List (and specifically the Splash Page Gallery) was chosen as the Site of the Week in CNet's Digital Dispatch newsletter of August 18, 2000.
The Firm List (September 12, 2000)'s Site of the Week!
The Firm List (specifically the Splash Page Gallery) was chosen as the Site of the Week in CNet's Digital Dispatch email.
The Firm List (September 11, 2000)
UK Listings Expanded
I've started the same process I did with California, to the UK listings. Hope this makes it easier to navigate and manage the unexpected growth in this region.
The Firm List (September 10, 2000)
Updated California Listings
Made great progress in changing the way one navigates the California listings. Hopefully this makes it easier and quicker to use. I think it will open the door to new features too, when I have time.
As Searched On... (September 7, 2000)
More Search Results
I've added another batch of weird searches to As Searched On. Be sure to check them out and see what strange things people (like you) are looking for.
The Firm List (September 7, 2000)
Enhanced Regional Listings
Started the process of breaking down the California listings into a more manageable system. Eventually it will be filled with more regional listings within California to make for smaller file downloads. At the same time, I will be playing with new features for the site, starting with this popular part of the world.
WoolFest2000 (September 6, 2000)
New Pictures
I put together the pictures from the 2nd stop of WoolFest 2000 which took place at Six Flag's Magic Mountain.
WoolFest2000 (September 1, 2000)
More Photos
I put together the pictures from the 3rd stop of WoolFest 2000 which took place at Paramount's Great America.
Browser Wars (August 16, 2000)
Rate the Browsers
It's been a long time since I made any changes to Browser Wars, but I did, when I finally updated the rating system so that you can see real-time results of your ratings of my browser ideas.
Just 4 Words (August 15, 2000)
Rate the Pieces
I've made a minor change to Viewer's Choice, with the addition of a poll that allows you to tell me what you think of each piece as well as see what others think of it.
The Firm List (August 2, 2000)
5,000+ Firms in over 70 Countries
The Firm List passed the 5,000 barrier. We have more than 5,000 firm listings in over 70 countries now. As far as I know, this is larger than any other site out there. Thanks!
Just 4 Words (August 2, 2000)
New Pieces
Finally got around to adding 7 new pieces to Viewer's Choice so I expect you to go over there right now and read them and the other 123 of them if you haven't read those yet. What were you thinking? It's compulsory summer reading!
Click Me! (August 1, 2000)
Bye Bye
I have taken down ClickMe as the work was old and I have other online portfolios online.
WoolFest2000 (August 1, 2000)
WoolFest Photos Online
The first stop of WoolFest 2000 took place this weekend at Six Flags New England, and the pictures of the event are now online.
The Firm List (July 15, 2000)
Update Company's Name/URL Form
I've added an update form for changing your company's name/URL.
As Searched On... (July 12, 2000)
Introducing As Search On...
I've launched another site! Whew, I must be busy. This site is As Searched On... a look at the various searches my sites come up on. It's a weird world out there, and the search engines seem to send the weirdest ones my way.
The Firm List (July 12, 2000)
Forums Shut Down
It's been a long time in coming, but I have (at least temporarily) shut down the Forums. I don't think anyone will miss them.
The Firm List (July 12, 2000)
Further Updates
By brute force, I am updating some of the lingering deficiencies of the "old days" of this site and a lot of the pages that were created then. Should be all ship shape soon.
2FND (July 11, 2000)
Introducing 2FND
Still in beta, I've launched 2FND a sister site to The Firm List which is a search engine focusing on web design/development sites & resources. So if you're looking for a targeted search in this direction, try it out.
The Firm List (July 1, 2000)
Updated Search Engine
It's been a long day, but I think I finally have brought a solid search system to this site. I've finished the search for this site and I am in the process of developing a search engine that exclusively searches web design firm sites. This is not yet live, but try the new search for this site here.
BehindtheURL (June 27, 2000)
Updated WHOIS on Tools @ The Firm List
Long overdue, but I have updated the Whois tool. It now does searches over a very wide range of TLDs.
The Firm List (June 26, 2000)
4,750+ Firms and Counting
I've added quite a few firms in the last couple days. The Firm List now has more than 4,750 firm listings, still, by far, the most of any directory that I know of.
Just 4 Words (June 20, 2000)
8 New Pieces
I've finally update Viewer's Choice. There's 8 or so new entries. I hope they're funny, but I don't really know. Enjoy.
No More Web (June 19, 2000)
Introducing No More Web
I've created a new site No More Web, a site that allows you to share your dreamt of lives, the things you wish you were doing rather than working the web or whatever it is you do.
The Firm List (June 16, 2000)
Boolean Search Issues
It's been brought to my attention that the new search system doesn't support boolean searches, so I have now included the old boolean search system (that's slow) to allow for those kinds of searches. I hope to have a better solution soon. Use it here.
The Firm List (June 15, 2000)
Mentioned in Computer Active
The Firm List was mentioned in a sidebar to an article in Computer Active - issue 61 (15th - 28th of June). This is a UK magazine (if I remember correctly). You can see a copy of the mention here.
The Firm List (June 14, 2000)
Search Updates
I've finally updated the search on the site, using an index-based search engine, so it's quick. I hope it makes searching the site a lot easier. Try it here.
Archives (June 2, 2000)
Introducing Archives
I am in the process of building it, but I have started a new section:Archives of older versions of my sites. This allows you to see the progression of the sites you've come to love as well as my progression as a web design professional.
The Firm List (May 29, 2000)
St. Paul & Twin Cities
In response to a suggestion, I have added St. Paul, MN as a city page as well as a Twin Cities metro page.
The Firm List (May 16, 2000)
Updated Navigation
I'm doing a much needed upgrade of the basic components & navigation for the site. It will be a gradual process, and I welcome any feedback. The first page to undergo the changes is the listing for Ann Arbor, MI. See it here.
The Firm List (May 13, 2000)
Introducing The Firm List PR
I'm developing a new section of the site, another chance for firms to get some self-promotion. It's a place to create and/or post Press Releases. Take a look at it here.
RESRC (May 11, 2000)
New Project in the Works
I'm in the process of developing a section of the site for New Media recruiters and talent agencies to list themselves as well as post/solicit or postions.
The Firm List (May 6, 2000)
Upgrading Jobs
I'm in the process of upgrading the Jobs, Freelancers & Outsourcing section of the site. It has a new url and will soon
feature new resources/tools. Check it out here.
The Firm List (May 4, 2000)
More Updates to Search
I've made some changes to the site search which allow for more detailed searches and results. The speed issue is still
not solved but this may not be for a while.
The Firm List (May 2, 2000)
Updated Forms
I made some updates to the various firm listing & updating forms to make them more efficient and easier for me to
work from. You shouldn't notice any changes other than a decrease in the time it takes me to make updates.
Anywhere.? (April 13, 2000)
Major Update
I've finally decided to completely replace the Anywhere.? on this site with the new version on The Firm List. It'll be easier to keep up to date.
The Firm List (April 13, 2000)
New Splash Page
I've launched a new splash page for this site, one that was designed by a talented desire, Andre Matarazzo. Thank you Andre!
The Firm List (April 12, 2000)
Introducing The Firm List Tools
In a move to improve the features as well as the navigation of this site, I have added Tools @ The Firm List which includes various tools for the web design/development community.
HexHues (April 12, 2000)
Hexagonal Hues Added to The Firm List
As part of the roll-out of the Tools @ The Firm List site, I have moved my HexagonalHues website over to the Tools subdomain.
Just 4 Words (April 12, 2000)
Site Out of Beta
It's not a new site (I started in back in August of 1999) but it's never been available from this site (you had to visit my personal site to find it) but now I am featuring the site Viewer's Choice here. Try it out!
The Firm List (April 9, 2000)
Top 10 Web Sites for Small Businesses
The Firm List was listed as one of the Top 10 Web Sites for Small Businesses in Impress magazine available at Kinko's.
The Tribe of Woolgatherers (April 6, 2000)
1999 Archive Online
I finally got around to updating the archives of The The Tribe of Woolgatherers emailing list. You can now search through the humor posts up until the end of 1999. Soon, 2000!
Socket Shirts (April 1, 2000)
Shirts Down
t was brought to my attention that the TShirt provider I was for Socket Shirts using doesn't seem to be working anymore. Well, until returns or I find a similar service, TShirts will be unavailable. I apologize.
The Firm List (March 15, 2000)
Mentioned on eBiz
The Firm List was mentioned in a BusinessWeek eBiz piece on Pattie Maes &
The Firm List (March 15, 2000)
Mention on eBiz
The Firm List was mentioned in a BusinessWeek eBiz piece on Pattie Maes &
The Firm List (March 14, 2000)
Interview with Gr8
Take a look at our interview with Drew Trujillo, the New Media Director of Gr8, LLC.
The Firm List (March 13, 2000)
Mentioned in Boston Globe
The Firm List was mentioned in Monday's Boston Globe in a tiny piece on the demo of service at PC Forum.
The Firm List (March 13, 2000)
Mentioned in the Boston Globe
My site The Firm List and I were mentioned in the Boston Globe in a piece on the demo made at PC Forum. My site will be one of the first partners offering their technology/service.
The Firm List (February 28, 2000)
Individual City Listings
In efforts to make The Firm List easier to use, I have added more individual city listings, see the entire list here.
The Firm List (February 28, 2000)
SF Bay Area
I've also added a Metro listing for San Francisco, CA, see it here.
The Firm List (February 25, 2000)
New Jobs Section
Many people have been looking for jobs, freelance opportunities and outsourcing opportunities. To better serve these needs, I have added Jobs, Freelancers & Outsourcing to The Firm List. This exchange is still in beta, but hopefully will help a steady stream of opportunities for all those who visit this site.
The Firm List (February 18, 2000)
Mentioned in DigitalMass
The Firm List was mentioned in an article in DigitalMass, a Massachusetts technology news & information site. It was an article on the New England Web Design Awards this site was a finalist for.
The Electrical Socket (February 7, 2000)
Minx Website of the Week was chosen as one of the Minx Websites of the Week. (One of those things you discover digging through your log files.)
The Firm List (January 24, 2000)
NEWD Finalist
The Firm List was selected as a finalist in The New England Web Design Awards in the category of Best Ezine/Content Site. The winners will be announced February 10, 2000, so wish me luck. If you are in New England, check out the event.
The Firm List (January 24, 2000)
Finalist for New England Web Design Awards
The Firm List was selected as a finalist in The New England Web Design Awards in the category of Best Ezine/Content Site. The winners will be announced February 10, 2000, so wish me luck. If you are in New England, see you there.
The Firm List (January 17, 2000)
Splash Page Gallery Moved
The Splash Page Gallery has been moved. It will no longer greet you upon entering the site, but you can still view them
The Firm List (January 7, 2000)
I am beta-testing a new service. For firms who wish to set themselves apart from others in the Firm List listings, you can get a mini-ad.
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