Matte Elsbernd web publisher. writer. photographer. 31 years experience.
I build websites. You're on one of my websites. This is as much a portfolio as any collection of sites I've done for the local mom & pop or that that went out of business. But if you insist, here is my outdated collection of long-ago projects I did when I was still doing the design & construction of other people's websites.
These are all old. Most will not be online. You've been warned.
Outdated Portfolio
Pop Galleries International
Pop Galleries International
Pop Galleries International is a gallery in the SoHo area of NYC focusing exclusively on Pop Art. I was approached to create an online space for their gallery that would provide the viewer with a sense of the gallery space as well as a glimpse of the artists that they feature.

The gallery walkthrough (above) allows you to move through the space, with the various works poping out at you along the way. The use of a collage style environment enhanced the edgy, unusual visuals inherent in much of Pop Art.

The works of each artist are laid out using a gallery system (below) I originally developed for the BowieArt website I worked on with Conduit Communications. The gallery uses various frames to allow for quick & easy viewing of the works, by allowing for both text and thumbnail listings, as well as larger images being available without the need to reload the full listings of works.

- Graphic Design
- Information Architecture
- Ongoing Maintenance
- Photography
- Web Design

- June 1999 through June 2001

To visit the site online, visit:
(note: this site has been maintained/changed by the client)
Other Sites
Personal Projects
> - The Firm List
> - ElectricalSocket
> - New Baby Name Index
> - The Tribe of Woolgatherers

Freelance Projects
> - Kin Lani Charters*
> - IT Factory*
> - MOCA*
> - Modern Project
> - Papermundo*
> - Pop Galleries International
> - ThoughtBridge*
Projects @ Conduit
> - Bowie Art*

Projects @ Irma Mann
> - Hotel Bel Air*
> - PQE*
> - Value-Added Media Program*

Projects @ WWWebnet, Inc.
> - Airlift Northwest*
> - Diamonds 4 Sale*
> - Federal Way Alarm Co.*
> - Internet Rings & Things*
> - IWDN*
> - WWWebnet*
* indicates company and/or website offline, or not in original form.
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